Wednesday 2 February 2011

My fun night in A&E

Sorry this is my first entry in a long, long time all you avid readers (yeh right). Got no real excuse as to why my blog output has been low, other things to do and lack of motivation I guess. I was in fact planning on writing one around christmas time, yeh even had a witty name for it 'The Yule Blog' eh eh! In which I would have talked you through my average christmas day, this one involving my dad falling down on the ice like a sack of shit, good times had by all, minus him of course. However, I digress.

All over christmas one of the main things I missed about being at uni was playing football weekly, so was raring to get back into it, even my housemates played in my absence due to my course starting late which just made me want to play even more. Everything was going well, I assumed the defensive role this time getting the tackles in etc So half an hour in this random fella id never seen before was just about to unleash a shot, so I stuck my right foot out to block this shot and the outcome looked like this...

Yep, football made my ankle look as if it was about to give birth to an egg. this happened because the exact same moment this douche's foot contacted with the ball, my foot did too, and the force of the ball rebounded and bent my foot completely the wrong way, you know the sort of George Michael way. I'm not gonna lie, it was painful and I knew something was wrong when it happened. So with some help from my flatmate Rhys and a lot of hopping, we got in a taxi and began our stint in Lincoln County Hospital's A&E.

What a horrible feeling it was going in there, with everyone's eyes laying into you as you walk in, well in my case, wheeled in in a wheelchair by Rhys. It's almost as if these 'patients' were so bored that everytime this new injured meat came in they'd have a little game of 'Guess The Ailment' except when I came in wearing my football garb minus my right boot it was pretty obvious, which seemed to defeat their objective of the game as reflected in their blank stares. At least that's what I thought it was, on second thoughts it could just be them having a brain hemorrhage or something, it is A&E after all. After seeing a male nurse, tee hee, and given Co-Codomol (which makes you light headed and drowsy) I was whisked away to X-Ray then booted back into the waiting room, I have to admit I too joined in the game of 'Guess The Ailment' after a while, you never really find out, but in the odd case when they stand up and go to walk to the doctor's room they give a tell tale sign. Like in this one case of this old chap, I thought something in his stomach or gut,  bad curry or something, and sure enough when he got up and walked to this room, he clutched his gut in pain. Score 1 to James! After a short wheel by Rhys into the doctor's room again I was given my diagnosis, a severely sprained ankle with tendon damage, which doesn't sound too bad, but it was/is freaking painful and left me with an ankle the size of Michelle McManus'! I was given some more woozy drowsy drugs and sent on my way, except a common side effect of them is constipation, brilliant!

So on the instructions of the doctor i've been off my foot today meaning I missed my seminar, ohh... dear... how, horrible? The worst part is no football for 3 - 6 weeks, grief.. oh and no alcohol for a week due to my tablets.

So the moral of this story is, if you play football, just go up front and goal hang, you won't get injured.

I'll also try to blog a bit more often now because I know you've all missed it, especially you Emillie! ;)

And in true fashion, what do you call a man with a car license plate on his head?


They see me rolling, they hatin'

Ta-Ra for now

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